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  • AISLink MOB
  • AISLink MOB
  • AISLink MOB



AISLInk MOB - Personal Man Overboard Beacon. Advanced Automatic Identification System (AIS) technology comes to the rescue with this compact and affordable man overboard beacon with integrated Digital Selective Calling (DSC) and GPS

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The AISLink features integrated Digital Selective Calling (DSC) and GPS technology, so you can quickly reach out for help when you need it most. Unlike a personal locator beacon, which signals orbiting search and rescue satellites, AISLink sends an alert message within seconds to all local vessels with an AIS receiver and/or AIS-enabled plotter. Plus, the DSC alarm on your vessel’s VHF radio can also be signaled to make first responders aware of what's going on.

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message within seconds to all local vessels with an AIS receiver and/or AIS-enabled plotter and the DSC alarm on your vessel’s VHF can also be signaled.

The AISLink MOB may be configured by the user to enter the vessel's DSC MMSI number* by downloading the programming software to your Windows computer or by accessing the web based programming software. Click on the "Configure" link below to access either software version and then follow the on-screen instructions in order to configure the AISLink MOB. Additional configuration instructions can be found in the product manual.

Seconds count in a man overboard situation. The AISLink MOB automatically activates upon inflation of the lifejacket, sending an initial alert within 15 seconds to all AIS receivers and plotters in the vicinity. Both positioning and MOB emergency messages are transmitted alerting vessels up to 5 miles away of your emergency situation.

Even in moderate seas, it is alarming how quickly a visual sighting of a man overboard can be lost.  The AISLink MOB’s integrated GPS quickly pinpoints a precise location and transmits this as part of the AIS alert message to all local AIS equipped vessels. The AISLink MOB also has the ability to alert your crew to the emergency by activating the DSC alarm on your vessel’s VHF. All AIS receivers and AIS-enabled plotters within a 5-mile radius (dependent on conditions) are alerted, and an integrated high-intensity strobe light assists with accurate positioning even in low light conditions. Powerful lithium metal batteries provide 24+ hours of operational life, and the high-impact housing can withstand a drop to water of 20m.


Note that most modern AIS plotters and DSC VHF units comply with the standards for receiving MOB transmissions. However, it is recommended that you check with your equipment manufacturer to ensure compatibility. DSC functionality may vary — or be disabled entirely — according to the regulations of individual countries.

Features and Benefits:

  • Dual alert via AIS and DSC
  • Onboard GPS for exceptional location accuracy
  • Simple life jacket integration
  • Manual or Automatic Activation
  • Alerts AIS equipped vessels up to 5 miles (4.3 NM) away
  • 24+ hours operational life and 7 Year battery life
  • Ultra bright LED strobe light
  • Rugged and Waterproof up to 10 meters

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